Jungian Analysis
Carl Gustav Jung is the creator of analytical psychology. He developed this method at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, many post-Jungians, clinicians working actively with clients, developed Jungian analysis as a method of modern therapy appropriate to the realities of the world in which we live today.
Carl Gustav Jung began his career as a psychiatrist, fascinated by the innovative, at that time ideas of Sigmund Freud. On the basis of this theory Jung has created his own method called today ,Jungian analysis’, That individual method has been developed according to his own convictions, abandoning the classical Freudian psychoanalysis and Freud himself.
Analysis is a therapeutic method which in recent years is gaining popularity. However, it differs fundamentally from other therapies focused mainly on getting rid of troublesome symptoms for patients, and not reaching their sources. Analyzing mechanisms and sources of motivation deeply hidden in the unconscious of the client leads to a deeper, more satisfying and long lasting changes in personality.
Jungian analyst works with clients on the activation of their innate potential and is focused on finding individual ways for self-development.
Important elements of Jungian analysis are: – work with symbolic material of the client – with dreams, active imagination, free associations, and symbolic images;
– work with the material from everyday life and current events, also relationships;
– work with the memories of the past, regarding events and family relations of the client;
– self-reflection and awareness of the patient’s feelings;
– analysis of the relationship between the client and the analyst;
– building a relationship between the conscious and the unconscious side of the psyche of the client;
Trained and certified analyst mission in modern world is to accompany the client safely on this trip.
Jungian analyst is dedicated to follow the client so that the client in its own time might reach important experience and motivation. In this method, there is no plan to impose treatment as other therapies – but it is to follow the natural process of psychological growth achieved by contact with the material and symbolic person analyst.
Jungian analysis is a long term process, the minimum time is about two years. It is usually conducted twice a week, or once a week. It depends on the individual agreement between the client and the analyst. Analytical session lasts 50 minutes.