Book: ‚Iron John – A book about men’
Polish version – ‚Żelazny Jan: Rzecz o mężczyznach’
Author: Robert Bly
Year of first edition 1990
What are the challenges that modern men are facing? What is their role and place in the family and society? What do men want in life? What are they currently looking for? Among other things, these highly significant questions are answered by the author, who is a poet translator and lecturer. For his poetry he received numerous awards, including National Book Award in the United States.
In ‚Iron John – A book about men’ Robert Bly talks about his experiences and observations on the nature of masculinity and challenges the modern men are facing. The story is based on the fairy tale of Iron John by the Grimm Brothers. Author effectively uses terminology rooted in Jungian analysis, anthropology, fairy tales and myths, as well as his own poetry.
Robert Bly in his book reflects on the role of father and son, what does that relationship mean today and how is today limited. He highlights the role of the male mentor and teacher, who has a substantial impact on the life of a young man. The mentor is much needed in modern world. The relationship between masculinity and contemporary femininity is also being discussed.
The book is available in Polish, sold very succesfuly worldwide and remained for a long months on the The New York Times best-sellers list.
This illustrates well the great need for a redefinition of the concept of masculinity in the modern world.
I strongly recommend ‚Iron John – A book about men’ to all who wish to follow the process of male initiation and development in the modern world.